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Another wonderfully done piece by one of our oh-so-talented needle artists! We love this light & elegant double stacked frame. The piece is of course protected with museum glass for optimum viewing and preservation. Another good one lady!
#lansdalepictureframing #northpennart #needleart #goldwork #embroidery #hummingbird #lititzpa #lancasterpa #bluebellpa #villanova #montgomerycountypa #buckscountypa #berkscountypa

Some flowers for the 1st day of Spring!
#northpennart #lansdalepictureframing #spring #springequinox #oilpainting #artist #canvasartwork

We just framed this nice signed vintage jersey with a signed photo! Michael Anthony Muñoz is an American former professional football player who was an offensive tackle for 13 seasons with the Cincinnati Bengals of the National Football League. What sports memorabilia can we frame for you?
#northpennart #lansdalepictureframing #bengals #Munoz #football #jerseyframing

Check out this photo restoration we recently did! We scanned the old photo, employed some digital magic and made a new (vintage looking) print... You think your tired at the end of the day! Imagine moving those kegs of beer! I bet it tasted pretty good after a hard day!
#northpennart #lansdalepictureframing #photorestoration #digitalprintingservices #vintagephotography #oldphoto #beer #horseandbuggy #nineteenthcentury

A sweet cross stitch on a cold day! Hot cocoa sounds good about right now!
#northpennart #lansdalepictureframing #crossstitch #needleart #hotcocoaweather

What a showpiece beauty at about 50" wide! So elegant & lovely...
#lansdalepictureframing #northpennart #philadelphia #lititzpa #bluebellpa #montgomerycountypa #buckscountypa #berkscountypa

What a lovely flower garden inspired cross-stitch. This handmade gift from her grandmother is sure to be a cherished favorite of Naila`s when she gets older.
#northpennart #lansdalepictureframing #crossstitch #needleart #grandmotherlove

Our customer brought this great textile back from a journey to Nepal! From rolled up in a backpack, to traveling around the globe to a really cool memento hanging on her wall! Good stuff...
#northpennart #lansdalepictureframing #nepali #travel #worldtraveler #indigenousartist #sherpa

LINK IN BIO - If you like us at NPA we sure would appreciate you taking a minute & dropping us a VOTE! Vote for all your fav small local business. It really does mean the world to us!

Just straight-up coolness, enough said!
#northpennart #lansdalepictureframing #carlovers #auto #autoclub

Our customer wanted a completely museum grade/reversible mounting technique to attach this pair of collectible, signed fight shorts. Soooo, we used a technique that employs magnets! We love a good challenge!
#northpennart #lansdalepictureframing #mixedmartialarts #joannajedrzejczyk #champion

Hey Philadelphia sports fans, remember Bernard Fernandez, sports columnist for the Daily News? Bernard also authored a series of 5 boxing anthologies and has been inducted into 4 boxings halls of fame along with his high school hall of fame. We`ve been working on some special projects for Bernard recently. He`s a fun guy that`s full of lots of interesting sports history and stories.
#northpennart #lansdalepictureframing #gicleeprinting #DigitalPictures #boxingnews #philadelphia #philadelphiadailynews

We love how this lovely Larson-Juhl frame pairs with this wonderful fine art painting. We re-stretched the art and selected this great frame along with our customer who has really awesome taste! It`s watery, light and airy!
#lansdalepictureframing #northpennart #fineart #oilpainting #artist #MontgomeryCountyPA #buckscountypa #berkscountypa #bluebellpa #lititzpa #larsonjuhl

Here`s a bit of vintage music history from the English progressive rock band "Rare Bird," who formed in 1969. It`s actually a booklet that will remain 100% in tact in the framing package. We love how this one turned out!
#northpennart #lansdalepictureframing #progressiverock #progrock #rarebird

This is an experiment in a free form style of embroidery. Notice all kinds of incredible knots along with some added materials stitched on a preprinted fabric. What talented customer`s we have! We paired it with this great little green frame with gold edging & it fit just right!
#northpennart #lansdalepictureframing #embroidery #needleart #philadelphia #lititzpa #bluebell #montgomerycountypa #buckscountypa #berkscountypa

"Opus Lady" by one of our very talented customers! Just check out that incredible detail all done with needle & thread.
#northpennart #lansdalepictureframing #needleart #embroidery

We scanned, restored & colorized this B&W photo our customer`s parents from1947. How cool for her to see them young, in color & having fun!
#northpennart #DigitalPhotoRestoration #colorizedphoto #1940sstyle #scan

Love deckled edges? We can float your art to show those beautiful paper edges. We raise the glass to allow the art to float & also to keep the glass off of the art itself. Here we used museum glass which is UV filtering and virtually invisible!
#northpennart #custompictureframing #artistlife #decklededge #montgomerycountypa #buckscountypa #berkscountypa #lititzpa

Custom Framing of a cool vintage Harley Davidson calendar! What a neat piece and so much better than just keeping it in a drawer!
#northpennart #custompictureframing #harleydavidson #vintagecalendarart #motorcycle #harley

We`ve been working on a very cool project with a customer of ours. This is 1 of a few of his mother`s work. What an incredibly talented artist. It`s truly been a pleasure.
#northpennart #custompictureframing #artistlife #watercolor #philadelphia #lititzpa #bluebellpa #montgomerycountypa #buckscountypa #berkscountypa

Check out these really nice colored pencil drawings of our customer`s grand-pups! We framed them simply to let the dog`s sweet faces really shine thru. Wonderful artwork by local Artist Clair Brett
#northpennart #lansdalepa #custompictureframing #petportrait #coloredpencil #artist #artistclairbrett

Kronzo the cat is ready for Halloween with his cute bowtie! Your phone pics can be turned into art & memories for your wall! Use our online UPLOAD & PRINT feature on our website or give us a call and we can tell you how to bring your digital file in for print!
#print #PhotoEnlargement #PhotoPrint #NorthPennArt #DigitalReproduction #digitalprinting

At North Penn Art we`re proud of 2 of our talented in-house artists & design professionals! Congratulations to @rose.folkes and @lisakerrfineart for not only getting into the prestigious art show @phillips.mill gallery in New Hope PA, but also for both selling their paintings! Rose is too humble to mention this, but she also landed an award! Way to go ladies! Check out the show, it runs thru 10/27 @phillipsmillcommunity
#phillipsmillgallery #newhopepa #artistlife

A Family Heirloom Project: We can frame those special pieces that have been handed down in a family for generations. Let us help preserve your treasures for the generations yet to come. We LOVE how this quilt turned out, just beautiful ~
#northpennart #custompictureframing #quilting #quilt #framing #Pennsylvania #needleart #MontgomeryCountyPA #buckscountypa #berkscountypa #FamilyHeirloom #generations #familytreasures